Do you think aliens exist? Everyday life and customs

I would say probably... they're probably very different than humans though, like maybe they're just clumps of cells on other planets, or maybe giant beings. Who knows

They surely exist.之前看过一个笑话---外星人👽👽👽雄赳赳气昂昂的入侵地球,最后被公园里老大爷的狗子吃了😂😂😂。Just want to express the idea that aliens may not be stronger or more civilized than humans at all.Though definitely there's a chance.

Yes, we are not alone in the galaxy, I hope 🙂

I believe in Aliens, I recomended book of Marco Pizzuti Unauthorized Close Encouters,it talk about many things that have been kept hidden from us for a long time at a political level, I would recommended al the books by this author.

No way!

Of course! it's kind of selfish to think we are the only beings in an infinite universe with thousands of galaxies

So here's the thing, why would they want to come here in the first place. Look at it from their point of view . There is enough nuclear arms to destroy this planet 3 times over. If you get caught you run the risk of becoming a minor god, a freak show or locked up in dome 51 never to be seen again.
We don't have any form of star drive so basically we are still in their eyes dinosaurs.
Its just to dangerous to come here, on star maps this planet has a big skull and crossbones on it and a warning not to come.
Of course every once in a while somebody gets curious, our UFO sightings, realizes its all true and gets out as fast as they can.
Our planet being stolen from underneath us by corporations keeping us glued to our phones with spouting rubbish called social media.
I rest my case.

We have reached a point in our development through which we are slowly beginning
to understand. Aliens have set this evolution in motion, helped us along the way again
and again, saved us from self-destruction and we have made them our gods.

So ... the real question is: "When we will globally agree to adapt our old world view? "

At the present time, Earth is receiving a powerful attention ... from the entire universe.
Not because we are so grandiose, but because we have reached a point of realising our
own evolution. It is a risky process and in the transition there are probably only two

What is necessary for this...? ; may be the resulting question. I think the real point is
quite simple ... we have to want it. What stands in the way, however, is not insignifi-
cant. Earth and its World-Family could be One Happy Planet without any doubt.
Consciousness is the key to dissolving the obstacles...

I prefer Amber's universe model of Roger Zelazny. Star Wars's sucks

Of course they do!

If they didn’t I wouldn’t be here

No, I doubt their existence, but they definitely do very good business with it.



If there were, they would have contacted us by now