Does Your Name Brings Any Meaning?? Anything and everything

jade. Chinese loves jade. but I don't like names of noun or adj., I prefer names of verb.

Christine: Follower or supporter of Jesus

My name (Zuzanna) means lily

My name means "happy, joyful" and it's of Slavic origin

my name’s Mohitha, it means attractive/infatuated

Mine is Malik, which means "King" or "Sovereign". It's a pretty common name but slay i guess

Kale is Kale
But the great Wikipedia suggests that it can mean:
Affectionate, calm, fair, ocean, pure, sea, slender, tide

I was named after a girl in Kids say the darndest things . My dad said the girl I was named after was cheeky he named me after her so I can be like her.
My name Amber means 'the sky' in Hindu and has roots in Sanskrit

My real name is Rashmika Dinith Sanjana, kinda long ryt😂, Rashmika means the Sunshine, Dinith means sun, Sanjana means friendly😁

My actual name has two meanings: a flower, but also part of the eye. Who can solve the riddle and has an idea?

My real name is 远足 which means hiking in Chinese. This name is kind of weird because usually the two characters after our surnames have different meanings. For example, one of my classmates is called 霁( sunny after rain )恒(permanent) . Anyway, my name is unique and I like it.

Yes, it means the sea between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in general but I saw that my name is also used for a service station in Germany. I think German people know which one I mean 😉

I have researched. AACAR seems to be a Polish company. There is a branch in Gdańsk and in Jawornik, Poland.

I have researched. AACAR seems to be a Polish company. There is a branch in Gdańsk and in Jawornik, Poland.
That wasn’t that I meant, my name is Aral, so maybe today unfortunately Aral Sea seems to be in his end to existence but in Germany I saw a lot of Aral service station.

I see. Yes, we actually have plenty of Aral service stations here in Germany

My name means christmas😂

My name means dark haired and dark one, lonely one. (wth)

My name means dark haired and dark one, lonely one. (wth)
it’s aesthetic ngl