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What do you think of russia? Politics and governments

Ну, это ты здесь неправа. Мы уважали собеседников. Нас не уважали, это было.

None of this is useful or respectful. Yet another topic about Russia/Ukraine going off the rails. Unnecessary provocations will result in temporary or permanent bans without prior warning (although this message can be considered warning). We need to remain civil as a community, thank you for your understanding.
Please block this forum, I want this to stop

Edited by Ten_Bezdelnitzy .

I didn’t ask for debates, JUST OPINIONS.
You just needed to say whether you like russia or not and why.
Not offending people
Not talking about other countries
Just your opinion

Good evening dear Maria ! I don t ask you how you are at the present time ! I just want to apologize myself for having answered to propaganda which used to be spread on your personal forum on Penpal and for having brought my own brick on this wall with words which should not have been used here ! I wish you the best ! Sincerely yours François

I can’t even begin to explain how much I regret creating this post… Should’ve DMed people, instead of making a forum about that. I made it clear, that I don’t need any propaganda. Just opinion of what FOREIGNERS think of Russia
Прости, что мы развели грязь на форуме, который ты создала. Действительно, мы вели себя неподобающим образом. Это было
не очень красиво. Просто я не могу видеть, как изменяют историю моей родины и очерняют её. Я сожалею, что так получилось. И не обращай на нас старых дураков внимания 🙂

Since we all agree this topic has shifted in the wrong direction, it will be closed.

This topic is locked. New posts aren't allowed at this time.