

  • 9
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi! My name is Agnieszka. I'm 21. I am from Poland. I want to improve my English, because I have been learning it for many years and I feel it is still very weak. I have big problems with grammar, and speaking. Because of that, I decided to talk mainly on Skype. So if you wanna help me, please contact me. It is very important for me. It would be great if you were a native speaker! Привет! Меня зовут Агнешка. Мне двадцать два года. Я студентка приклодной лингвистики. Я учусь русский и английски языки. Если ты хочешь познокомиться со мной и помочь мне в учёбе русского, напиши мне.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aga.januszewska95
