

  • 4
  • I always enjoy talking about...

    I love talking about culture, especially when it comes to Asian culture since I'm an Asian American who has a Pakistani background 🙂.

    I love talking about space and getting into deep conversations that really make you question your surroundings and the universe around you. Is there life on another planet? Will we eventually live on the moon? Have you ever met your doppelganger? Why do you bake cookies but cook bacon? You know questions like that lol.

    I'm really interested in religion as well! I always love having conversations exchanging beliefs among each other so that way:
    1. You can get enlightened on what I believe
    2. So I can get enlightened on what you believe (if any)!
    By doing so, I believe you'll have an idea of my beliefs and won't misinterpret things or be totally clueless if you ever hear the name out of the blue lmao and vice versa xD.

    I love science, I'm thinking about learning computer sciences for the field of astronomy. I love earth science, and studying the universe and what goes on in the universe. Why does the sun look like the same size as the moon? Why does the Moon or sun always looks like it's following us when we're driving? Questions, questions, questions! 🙂

    I enjoy talking about programming, although I'm still a beginner in the field, but I love getting informed on everything about it! It's really interesting to see how everything (even this website) is programmed to function!

    Zombies, zombies, zombies! I am a zombie fanatic! I love anything to do with zombies, ranging from tv shows to series to even some movies! I've even programmed my first game involving a survival game although it's not totally finished yet!

  • Something to tell the world!

    I am currently learning JavaScript! I love programming and plan to improve my abilities on programming by the end of the year 🙂
    I recently finished HTML and CSS. I look forward to meet I new people from all over the world! I would also love meeting people who share the same interests as me such as programming, astronomy and things having to do with space! 🙂

  • A trick or piece of advice

    Please don't automatically assume something bad or try and let yourself get easily influenced by someone else who hate's something you're not too enlightened about, whether it be a person/group/religion/belief, etc. Instead, go to the source, ask that person who follows that religion/believes in so and so/or has that opinion/etc. They know more and are more enlightened on the bright side while a hater would only know the negative facts and try and spread more hate and influence you to hate more rather than spread love.

    Don't let ignorance be an excuse to cause hate on someone or their beliefs!

  • I recently learnt...

    I recently learned HTML and CSS and now am currently learning JavaScript!

