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  • Something to tell the world!

    Oh...Hello there ! How's  everybody  doing ? Thank  you  for  dropping  by  my  profile ^_^  My  name  is  Ezio,I'm  a  23  years  old  italian  guy  seeking  PENPALS ( quoth  I  PENPALS,didn't  say  LOVERS)  from  ANYWHERE  in  the  world.Anybody  is  welcomed.Just  be  yourself  and  keep  it  real.No  hidden  agendas  and  people  with  a  roving  eye,thank  you.
    I'm  mostly  seeking  SNAILMAIL  penpals,NOTA  BENE,this  doesn't  mean  that  I'm  gonna  give  my  addy  away  that  easily ! We  MUST  exchange  a  reasonable  amount  of  emails  before,otherwise (I'm  sorry)  nothing  doing.
    I  have  tons  of  hobbies,just  to  list  a  few  :  sports  (judo,ju  tai  jutsu,swimming,spinning,pilates  and  tennis),reading,languages (NATIVE  SPEAKERS  of  the  languages  I'm   learning  DO  contact  me,lol ),penpalling,hiking,jogging,keeping  fit,cooking (I'm  VEGETARIAN  by  the  way),music,singing,dancing,cinema,ANYTHING  japanese,Russian  culture,collecting  30's,60's,70's and  80's  stuff,alternative  medicines,Buddhism (  I  practice  Nichiren  buddhism since  I  was  16),etc.
    I've  NEVER  been  good  at  "selling  myself" lol,anyways,I'm  known  for  being  a  friendly,cute  and  approchable  guy,who  easily  gets  along  with  most  people.It's  really  difficult  to  get  my  dander  up,but,when  this  happens...Holy  Crap  mate,I  wouldn't  like  to  be  in  ya shoes hahaha XD 😉 I'm  one  who  likes  telling  it  like  it  is,I  dislike  RACIST,NARROW  MINDED,JINGOISTIC  AND  BOSSY  PEOPLE.
    Wanna  know  more ? Contact  me  now 😉 you  won't  be  disappointed 😉
    Peace  out
