

  • 6
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hello! I'm Daria from France! (I live somewhere near Paris)
    I'm your average 18 years old, kind of cringy sometimes, and a little too talkative.
    I'm going to study biology, and I want to become a vet! (I kept that childhood dream~~)
    Aaand what can I say... To sum up, I like metal, drawing, movies, video games and reading.
    For more, you just need to read the following, like usual!

  • A personal challenge

    Go to vet school!
    It's been my childhood dream, and well... Never give up!

  • I'm an expert at...

    ... At annoying people.
    No really, I talk too much sometimes (OK, not ONLY sometimes)
    Aside from that... I don't know, telling made-up stories? I like it a lot.
    (Someday I'll write something, a far far away someday)

  • Something uncommon about me

    I like cute stuff... Like, my backpack has kitties on it!
    And I buy my accessories at children's shops... I'm a kid...

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    I recently read Runaway Horses by Yukio Mishima (9 year old spotted!) and I loved it!
    I like Stephen King's stories and writing style, and thrillers in general.
    Anyway, I can read anything as long as it's not some cheesy romance, I hate cheesy romance. (But I'll read some all year long since my school requires it! Yay !)
    I'm a big fan of Lord of the rings (The I-watch-them-every-year kind of fan), it's my favorite trilogy! As for movies, I kind of have the same taste as for books.
    I also watch animes, and my personal suggestion would be Shinsekai Yori~

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I visited quite a few places, mainly in Europe. I don't remember everything, but I went to the average tourist's destinations: Paris (No shit, I live there), London, Rome, Venice, Sicily, and also Greece and Romania (since I come from there).
    My most interesting trip though was in Israel. I stayed at a local family's place, and I felt like I really got to discover a new culture, even more than when I just visit a country's monuments and all.

  • My interests in other cultures

    The human interactions. They're really different from a country to another. Even little differences are fascinating, like in France, we kiss on both cheeks to greet someone, but only on one in Belgium!
    That aside, I'm always open to discover new foods (who doesn't??), clothing, monuments, and coffee shops ! (I'm creating a new concept: Coffee shop tourism)

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    ... Animals
    It's my passion! (I want to be a vet)
    I can name at least 10 chicken breeds, and don't even start on cats/dogs!
    If you ask me if I'm rather a dog or a cat person, I'll answer "bird person"
    (It's true, AND it's a Rick&Morty joke, two birbs with one stone)

  • Personal skills

    I like to draw and I play the violin.
    That's all.
    Oh, and some says that I have some kind of talent with animals, I don't know if it's true, haha! (I tamed stray cats and dogs, and also a goat...)

  • My proudest accomplishments

    I don't know... Maybe going to the school I wanted next year?
    Pretty lame I know

  • Living abroad for one year

    I would go to Germany to work~
    Though I would love to visit asian countries for a whole year.

  • I recently learnt...

    ... That mitocondria is the powerhouse of the cell
    Or that there's a giant horse in breath if the wild (I must be the last player to discover it...-

