

  • 11m
  • Personal skills

    I can juggle : )
    Also, I did learn to do the splits but I don’t think I can do it anymore
    3D modeling is a thing i still do
    And video editing
    Do you know this skill where you blow up your cheeks and then you let all of the air out and snip your finger against you cheeks and it makes a sound that sounds exactly like a drop of water? Yeah I can‘t do that but I‘m trying to learn it
    Oh! I can do two penspinning tricks!
    And I‘ve been doing archery for maybe 4 years now but I‘m still bad at it
    And fence (is that even the correct english word… yk the hobby with thin wobbly swords)
    Aaand I learned to play the harp, but don‘t do that anymore

  • I'm excited about...

    Medial stuff. Weapons, swords, rules, laws, day to day life, what they did in their free time, clothing, houses, castles, wars, everything

    And making movies, especially VFX. Completely new worlds, new creatures, super powers… Thats why i love the movie Avatar so much. The effects in part 2 where suuper cool, the world, omg beautifullll, and the 3d effect was soo cool, i (i watched in in 3d, felt like i was there in the world) but the story wasn‘t that great and honestly, movies shouldn‘t be 3 hours long in my opinion. Thats like a miniseries. Do you know fleabag? Thats a series and all of the episodes are 3 hours in total. And i think thats better. Thats why I like Avatar 1 better, but don‘t get me wrong, I love both.
    Frozen 2 was also great, I like how they made a complete behind the scenes series, watched that.

    Oh annnd, what i recently got into, movie music. I watched a cool documentary about Hans Zimmer. He‘s the guy who made the Pirates of the Caribbean, dune and blue planet music. Dune was also great.
    The sounddesign in Dune? Amazingggg. (For example the sounds of the Ornithopters) And the screaming woman music was so fitting, the whole atmosphere was exactly right

    Got a little distracted now but I guess you got an impression of me now

  • Something to tell the world!

    I‘m from Germany and I want to practice my french. I‘m ISTP (the I is bold). My music taste is all over the place, my favourite ever band is Queen but I also love classical music (Tschaikowsky, Dvorák, Puccini). Plus I‘m a fan of everything that has to do with the medieval times

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    My favourite series evaaa is Good Omens. I also love Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin and most of the Marvel movies/series. And my favourite movies are Avatar 1 and the first Pirates of the Caribbean. (And Schuh des Manitu, but thats a german movie. A western comedy)

    my favourite book is probably Momo. I also recently read
    -lotr & the hobbit
    -looking for Alaska
    -the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy

  • Making the world a better place

    I guess there are lots of random things one can do
    -when you see trash on the floor just pick it up and throw it in a bin(don‘t complain, just throw it in the bin and be happy that you did a good thing, don‘t worry about the things other people do)
    -if you have the choice, just be nice. I mean why not, why not be nice?
    -if people don‘t hurt you or others, let them mind their own business and don‘t complain (gay people, drag queens etc etc)
    -just in general minding your own business and paying more attention to what you do than to what others do, thats my fazit

  • It is better now

    We have computers : )

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    Movies/series, plans about making my own movies, books, teachers, clothes…

    Not politics.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    Czechia (Prague)
    Denmark (village in nowhere)
    France (countryside)
    Italy (Rome)
    Swizzerland (Zürich)
    Austria (Vienna)

