Do you dream when you sleep? Anything and everything

Nah i dont dream cuz i dont sleep....

j/p. i couldnt remember any of my dreams for a long time if i had any they were far and few between till about a month or so ago when i started watching prolly 3 or 4 movies a day - i started having frequent dreams about horrific stuff like being on the run from a group of devils or random weird crap like that.

i dream almost every night, i dont always remember what happened. i had a dream that i raised my gun to shoot but i got shot first, i remember i felt it in my jaw and it made my head ring.

I dream alot too, lol but most of time it's a nightmare... they are not really happy my dreams XD

All my dreams are very fine!


I dream a lot, but they can be really crazy! The other night I dreamt there was a new boy in my school, but he was frighteningly strange and wouldn't leave me alone. And I would wake up, and go back to sleep and the dream kept coming back! weird. 😛

Im sure I dream every night but i usually dont remember them. Lately I've been remembering them which isnt normal for me!

Last night I had a dream where i was in my basement and there was a scorpion. It was sitting on our air hockey table and I picked it up just below the stinger the way ive seen profesionals do it. Then somehow it managed to sting me. I threw it on the ground and it ran around. Then I picked up my vacuum which happened to be right there and wacked the scorpion! Yay! It was dead. Then I woke up feeling kinda freaked out.

The End.

I have sometimes horribles nightmares with spiders... Oh my God I hate spiders !

I use to have bizarre dreams everynight... sometimes they´re funny but others they´re really annoying :/

i have like 3 dreams every night because i wake up and go back to sleep again, one is a really scary nightmare, the other really weird and the final one is usually really happy. sometimes if i go to bed thinking about something, i then have a dream about it. I sometimes sleep walk and talk in my sleep